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Bayshore Underwriters

Bayshore Underwriters is a boutique insurance agency that specializes in providing wholesale insurance brokerage, program underwriting and managing general agent services. We offer property, casualty, professional, and specialized programs to select insurance agencies. Our goal is to provide our clients with the best possible insurance coverage at competitive prices.

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Why Choose Bayshore Underwriters?

Market Specialists

Bayshore offers facilities and products with bespoke wordings and coverages that are the most competitive in the insurance marketplace. Our business model has a strong focus on creating long term partnerships. We genuinely cares about the success of each agency that we go into partnership with.


With over 50 years combined experience in the insurance sector, Bayshore’s team has the skill set, knowledge and expertise to tailor the Insured’s insurance program in order to meet all of the Insured’s insurance needs

Competitive Pricing

We understand the importance of cost savings and we work hard to provide our clients with the most competitive pricing options available in the market.

Service Dedication


Insurance Agencies Served


Policies Written


Customer Support

Bayshore has in place well-vetted  FATCA compliant facilities that provide competitive pricing without sacrificing coverage.


Unlike the average managing agency or wholesaler, Bayshore has the expertise and experience that allows us to assist all of our agents every step of the way during the claims process.

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